Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lake Glenbawn Fishing Trip - 2008

Lake Glenbawn Fishing Trip - November 2008

In early November a group of keen Gundagai Anglers spent a week fishing at Lake Glenbawn. The weather was very kind but the fishing was slower than previous years. But a good time was had by all.

The group was - Anthony Harpley, Ian Harpley, Jim Harpley, Dave Friend, Derrick, Daryl Williams, Mark and Dylan Brown, Peter Stuckey and Alan (Angry) Anderson.

The following pictures are of fish landed and of the Lake.

Picture above - Dylan Brown with a nice Bass (great smile)

The usual contest was held for the biggest Yellow Belly and Bass. The winners this year were:

biggest Yellow belly (48cm) - Daryl Williams (Daz);
biggest Silver Bream (37cm) - Dylan Brown; and

biggest Bass (38cm) - tie between Peter Stuckey and Derrick Dowell.

There were a few contestants for the usual "shirt award" and the winner still has to be decided.

One of the group wore the following attire. Do you know who owns this foot ?

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